Director, Threat Hunting & Emergency Incident Response North America 

As Director of Emergency Incident Response, Kevin oversees Secureworks North America emergency incident response delivery teams that leads customers through the stages of a cyber breach. He is also responsible for the innovation and implementation of Secureworks’ threat hunting services. Kevin has directed incident response for multimillion dollar breaches and specializes in handling government-sponsored and advanced persistent threats, leading technical analysis, and providing effective containment and eradication recommendations to a range of clients worldwide. Before joining Secureworks, he was a defense contractor for the Department of Defense, performing intrusion analysis, incident handling, forensic analysis, and malware reverse engineering. In addition to displaying extensive knowledge regarding active intrusions, Kevin has helped organizations develop cybersecurity incident response plans and has facilitated tabletop exercises, incident management workshops, and other training classes.  

CSC11 Conference Topic:  War Stories from the Cybersecurity Trenches: How to Prepare and Respond to Modern Cyber Threats

Abstract: Cyber attackers are constantly evolving their tactics and techniques, making it crucial for organizations to adopt a proactive and adaptive approach to cybersecurity. In this presentation, we'll draw from Secureworks' recent incident response engagements and provide real-life stories to illustrate the need for a more comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. We'll discuss the limitations of relying solely on endpoint detection and response (EDR), and provide practical strategies for moving beyond the endpoints to protect against threats originating from anywhere in the IT stack. Join us to learn how to improve your cybersecurity posture, implement effective security measures,  and foster a culture of trust with your security partners.