Mr. Hubbard is the inventor of the powerful Applied Information Economics (AIE) method. His management consulting career started 35 years ago with Coopers & Lybrand, focusing on the application of quantitative methods. The last 25 years he has completed over 200 projects for the application of AIE to solve current business issues in many areas including IT benefits and risks including cybersecurity, engineering risks, market forecasts for pharma and medical devices, environmental policy, mergers & acquisitions, Silicon Valley startups, the likelihood of success of new movies, and military logistics to name a few. He is the author of the following books:

His books have sold over 180,000 copies in eight languages and are used as textbooks in dozens of university courses including the graduate level. How To Measure Anything has been on the required reading list for the Society of Actuaries exam prep. In addition to his books, Mr. Hubbard is published in the prestigious science journal Nature as well as publications as varied as The American Statistician, CIO Magazine, IBM Journal of Research & Development, Information Week, Architecture Boston, OR/MS Today and Analytics Magazine.